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 Spring Events 

Spring Events

Chilean Wine Making 
This option includes making wines with fresh juices shipped to us from Chile. The Southern Hemisphere, where Chile is situated, is on an opposite grape growing season from us, thus allowing us to purchase fresh juices in the spring of each year. Registration for the Chilean experience occurs in early April and the wine making process commences late April or early May. These wines generally require about 12 months of aging before bottling.

Racking from carboy to carboy to clarify the wine

 Fall Events 

Fall Events
Bottling and bringing home the wine

Apfelwein Making (Apple wine) 

Sometimes referred to as hard apple cider, this event typically commences in November when we can obtain fresh, raw apple juice from a Mennonite farm in the Finger Lakes Region. We vinify and age the juice in a whiskey barrel for 4 – 6 months. While this wine is typically finished to a dry level, it can be sweetened to taste for individuals who so prefer. Registration for this event occurs in late October.

Blueberry Wine Making

This option coincides with the blueberry harvest season, generally in late August. Blueberries are provided for this event and customers participate in each step of the wine making process, from berry crushing through final bottling. Customers can decide how sweet or dry they prefer their wine. Blueberry wine requires about 6 months of aging before bottling.

Crushing blueberries for wine making
Juice ready for fermentation

California Wine Making
This option includes making wines from fresh juices shipped to us from California's Central Coast region. The California wine making process commences around mid-September and generally requires about 12 months of aging before bottling. Registration for the California wines occurs in late August – early September.

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